Est-il possible de réparer les ressorts d'un canapé convertible ?

Is it possible to repair the springs of a convertible sofa?

The sofa bed

It is possible to repair the springs of the bed base of a convertible sofa by changing them or straightening them. Before taking your sofa bed in for repair, follow these few tips. They will allow you to save money by repairing the springs of your convertible sofa yourself.

How to make the correct diagnosis?

A convertible sofa can lose its comfort for several reasons.
Determining the reason for this drop in comfort allows the correct repair to be carried out.
To do this, you need to inspect your sofa bed by following these steps:

  1. Examine the couch covering, its cushions, the quality of their leather or foam: the cushions should return to their initial shape when you get up.
  2. If there is no problem with the cushions, check the structure of the bed: the wood of the frame and slats should not show any cracks or breaks.
  3. Check the springs of the box spring on which the mattress rests : if they are bent or broken, you will be able to carry out the repair.

The following advice will help you avoid making a new sofa purchase and keep your designer sofa longer.

How to repair a bent or broken spring?

Repairing a spring is quite easy. You do not need to completely disassemble your convertible sofa . In fact, to repair a bent or broken spring in your metal grid bed base , start by removing the cushions from your sofa bed. It may be necessary to remove the fabric placed on the box spring structure to access the springs. In this case, proceed carefully so as not to tear the fabric.

If the fabric is stapled, use a staple remover. Once the staples and fabric are removed, you can better inspect the springs of your box spring.

There are two types of springs. The new sofas are equipped with zigzag springs of better quality than old sofas, which have standard springs.

  • If the springs are bent, use pliers to straighten them.
  • If the springs are broken, they must be removed to replace them .

You will find all the necessary products in DIY stores.
Once the springs are repaired, replace the fabric. Stretch the fabric tightly and secure it using a staple gun.

Take advantage of all these manipulations on your sofa, to clean the structure of the convertible sofa , which is very rarely done.

If, however, your bed base seems to be too damaged by wear and tear, contact your seller, who can help you change the bed base of your convertible sofa.